So....... as you may have noticed, got some major plastic surgery done! Today marks the first official day of the new website! I'm very excited about the new website for many reasons. A.) It's so much more interactive for you. B.) It's much more informative. C.) My assistant has her own space now under the "About Us" section. D.) The design is much more fun. And finally, E.) the addition of this blog will be great for people to see all our latest work as it happens.
Please take your time to look around the site and let me know what you think. Feedback is always welcome. Was it easy for you to navigate? Also, just so you know, you have the ability to comment on each blog and send the blog to friends. If you comment, I just might comment back. :) This is especially great for aspiring photographers or designers who are curious about images and how they were taken/designed. :)