Thursday, February 28, 2008

Web Site Work

Just finished completing the updates for attorney, Bryan Fredrickson's, website. He and his father have been in business for many years and have been practicing law since 1957. They're a great group of people at the F&J law offices. They've been long time clients of mine. Located in Cañon City, CO, just 45 minutes from Colorado Springs. I highly recommend them if you need to create a living will or are dealing with a divorce. I've been bragging about them so much that my parents are using them now for their wills.

I also completed the addition of a contact form/page on The design of the web page is not mine; I was hired to simply add a page. In doing so, I learned a lot about PHP and Linux VS Windows servers. I've always used Linux web servers, but apparently, PHP forms do NOT work on Windows servers... I thought forsure my form was goofy, but turns out it wasn't working cause the site was on a Windows server. is the official web site of Linkages Consulting Workplace, LLC. The president of Linkages is Mary Lynn Pulley, co-author of the new book Get Smart! How e-mail can make your break your career and your organization. The book sounds very interesting and I plan on picking up my copy on It looks like a short read. Here's the link if you're interested in purchasing a copy.

The life of a freelance designer continues... I will have more goodies for you to look at. I have a few logos up my sleeves that I'm dying to post, but can't yet! Will keep you posted.

Take care. Do something nice for your self today. :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Kissed by a Genius

As much as I thought being without my MacBook Pro for two days would kill me, I've got to admit that it was kind of refreshing. No work, no email, no Facebook, no blogging. I actually read a book! I was computerless because the folks at the Park Meadows Apple store (a.k.a. the "Geniuses") replaced my CD burner as it was on the fritz. :( Good news is that it was easy to heal and only took two days as opposed to three. TIP: always, always, ALWAYS buy the extended warranty.... you never know when you might accidentally break your battery (yeah, I broke my battery....) or burn one too many CDs and bust your burner.

Went to pick it up tonight and wound up receiving a few other things that I didn't anticipate getting. ;) One of those being this great program called Billings. My life is about to get a LITTLE easier. Yes! Not only does it take care of invoices but it also tracks expenses such as gas mileage and stock imagery. It calculates taxes and the coolest part is it keeps track of the TIME spent on design projects. When I start a design, I just start the timer on Billings and the program accurately tracks my billable hours in any application.

Bottom line is that everyone was SO helpful this evening. Great people there at the Park Meadows store. Highly recommend them. Gary, Tony-not-Toby, Ash.. the whole gang.

By the way, happy birthday, Mom! :)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Engaged on Valentine's Day?

So this guy is absolutely incredible... You MUST watch it, guarantee that you'll love it. I can't figure out how to embed a YouTube video into this blog, so for now, click the link. One day I hope to be as good as this guy... Hey, it's good to dream big, right?

Know anyone that got engaged on V-Day? I'm offering a 15% discount on all wedding packages to those that did. Send 'em my way.

Take care.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


“My mother said to me, ‘If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope.’ Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso.” –Pablo Picasso

Heard this quote today and it reminded me to never let anyone or anything old you back in your dreams. We can be anything we want to be and if we put our hearts into our work, we will be successful.

Just got out of a design meeting. Can't say a whole lot about it, as the material is still confidential. But soon I will be able to show you the designs! Can't wait.

Be well.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Stride and Ride Photos

... are up! Click here to view them and order prints. 100% of proceeds go to MDA.

On a different note.. heard this great poem today and wanted to share it.

Until I learned to trust,
I never learned to pray;
And I did not learn to fully trust
'til sorrows came my way.

Until I felt my weakness,
His strength I never knew;
Nor dream 'til I was stricken
That he could see me through.

Who deepest drinks of sorrow,
Drinks deepest, too, of grace;
He sends the storm so he himself
Can be our hiding place.

His heart, that seeks our highest good
Knows well when things annoy;
We would not long for heaven
If earth held only joy.

— William G. Coltman

The first part is what gets me...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Muscular Dystrophy Association

Every year, the Muscular Dystrophy Association puts on a variety of fund raisers to raise money for MD research. MDA is the world's leading voluntary health organization fighting more than 40 muscle-wasting diseases. Thousands of people of all ages are affected by neuromuscular diseases, right here in the southern Colorado communities. Yesterday was their annual Stride and Ride at the Citadel Mall and I was fortunate enough to be invited back to be the official event photographer. Because my mother has a form of MD, I gladly volunteered my time. All images taken yesterday will be posted to a Pictage gallery and 100% of the proceeds will go straight back to MDA.

There were over 20 teams that raised funds and came together to do a short walk around the mall. After the teams signed in, they were sent down to my buddy, Amon, who took their team photos. Amon is a fantastic photographer; he is so knowledgeable about his photography and every time we work together I try to gain a small portion of his wisdom. He was kind enough to volunteer his time and work on behalf of René Tate Photography.

Next to the team photo area was a René Tate Graphic Design and Photography booth. My good friend Breanna ran the booth, showed my work, answered questions, handed out cards, etc.

Meanwhile, I was out shooting candids of walkers, local team mascots, the band, cheerleaders, etc. The emcees were Cutter, Alicia, and the Road Gato of the Cat Country 95.1 Morning Show, great people who I've worked with in the past.

The day was such a blast. I met so many people and heard so many of their stories. If you'd like to donate to this incredible organization, contact Laura Graham at 719.260.8777 or by email at

Monday, February 4, 2008

Sad Day

I am incredibly sad after hearing about the loss of a new friend, Terrence Webster. He was killed in a car accident very early this morning. He was a junior at UCCS majoring in fine art. I met him when I was the event photographer at UCCS' annual Back to the Bluffs weekend in October. He was a total comedian and always put a smile on my face. I'm disappointed that I didn't get the chance to get to know him better.

I was glad that I could provide a handful of images of Terrence to the folks doing the memorial service as well as to the University's newspaper, The Scribe. Below are just a couple of them.

Terrence was heavily involved on the UCCS campus. He will be greatly missed.