Monday, February 25, 2008

Kissed by a Genius

As much as I thought being without my MacBook Pro for two days would kill me, I've got to admit that it was kind of refreshing. No work, no email, no Facebook, no blogging. I actually read a book! I was computerless because the folks at the Park Meadows Apple store (a.k.a. the "Geniuses") replaced my CD burner as it was on the fritz. :( Good news is that it was easy to heal and only took two days as opposed to three. TIP: always, always, ALWAYS buy the extended warranty.... you never know when you might accidentally break your battery (yeah, I broke my battery....) or burn one too many CDs and bust your burner.

Went to pick it up tonight and wound up receiving a few other things that I didn't anticipate getting. ;) One of those being this great program called Billings. My life is about to get a LITTLE easier. Yes! Not only does it take care of invoices but it also tracks expenses such as gas mileage and stock imagery. It calculates taxes and the coolest part is it keeps track of the TIME spent on design projects. When I start a design, I just start the timer on Billings and the program accurately tracks my billable hours in any application.

Bottom line is that everyone was SO helpful this evening. Great people there at the Park Meadows store. Highly recommend them. Gary, Tony-not-Toby, Ash.. the whole gang.

By the way, happy birthday, Mom! :)


  1. Yes, happy birthday mom!

    I missed telling you when I called to tell you the repair was done.


  2. I'll give her your regards. :)


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