Sunday, August 24, 2008

Jailbirds Galore!

This week I had the pleasure of volunteering as the official photographer at an MDA Lock-Up. A fundraising event held by the Muscular Dystrophy Association where Colorado Springs business men and women go "behind bars." The goal is to raise about $2400 in "bail money" per jailbird. The event was held at Giuseppe's Old Depot in downtown COS. Executives work to raise money before they come to their jail sentencing at Giuseppe's and continue raising money by calling other business contacts. While they finish raising their bale, they partake in "gourmet" bread and water (actually incredible pizza, fruit, desserts, and such). As a jailbird, they have their mug shot taken. [That's where I come in. ;)] Over 100 jailbirds were sentenced for having too big of hearts. Here are a couple shots, including one of poor, pathetic me.

Jeff Robinson of Century 21 Curbow Realty

KRDO Channel 13 News Anchor: Nina Sparano

Me photographing Nina Sparano.


  1. Anonymous25.8.08

    You are having way too much fun! Thanks for sharing the variety of photo ops you find yourself in. Very enjoyable to check out!!


  2. I would say you are guilty as charged... Of having a big heart that is. Keep up the good work.

  3. They should have locked you up for longer Rene!! HEHE lol! Cool photos woman!

  4. Ethan, you're such a character!


Hey! I would love to hear your two cents. :)