Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Irons in the Fire

So..... up until today, I thought I was a big "to-do list" person, but I realized that a little list tucked away in my planner just doesn't have the same impact as these screaming florescent Post-It notes. They send me evil little glares every time I walk by my desk.. If you're a visual person, I highly recommend this method. It's definitely intimidating though. Be prepared to get OVERWHELMED.


  1. Anonymous1.10.08

    Holy sticky notes! I can't wait to help you take some of them irons out of the fire ;)

    Love ya, wish I was at T103.

  2. Oh there are more sticky notes, now! I take one down and then put one up.. :( I only have two spots open!

  3. Anonymous3.10.08

    I'm back on the announcement train after my computer crashed and I had to start all over with my templates. Let me know if you need help with any!

  4. My screen is same of your in a photo ..with a lot colored post-it everywhere.....
    That I forget to read...


Hey! I would love to hear your two cents. :)