Sunday, September 7, 2008

L.A. Adventures

      I'm really looking forward to this week as I have a lot of big things coming up in L.A.  I'm flying out there for an engagement session with Michael and Ashley; we're shooting Monday night on the beaches of California.  I'm really looking forward to meeting this couple for the first time.  I think it's going to be a blast.

      Then, on Tuesday and Wednesday, I'm attending the Pictage Partner Conference. As many of you know, Pictage is my partner company who handles all my printing, my credit card processing, etc.  They are the best in the industry.   There'll be a ton of great seminars from world renowned photographers, including Mike Colón.  I consider Mike to be one of the best wedding photographers on this planet.  He's absolutely amazing not only with his photography but also in how he runs his business.  Mike is one of my biggest role models; he's also my brother in Christ which makes him that much cooler. :)  Anywho, Mike and I are meeting on Wednesday (!); I'm just tickled to death that he's taking time out of his day to meet with me. 

 I cannot wait. 

More details to come. :)  Have a great week, friends. 

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