Monday, October 27, 2008

Ali & Chris - The Real Post

Have I said lately how much I love what I do? Tonight's reveal with Ali and Chris couldn't have gone better. Jesie, Ali, Chris, and I sat nestled on my cozy sectional — Holy Cross Abbey wine and Fat Tire beer in hand — and watched their incredible slide show of images... about six times. :) We laughed lots and chatted about everything under the sun. Not only do I love shooting, but the whole relationship aspect is something worth noting... I just love people. We all have such unique journeys. I love chillaxing with my clients and soaking up their words of wisdom and hearing how their romance came about. Everyone has a story... how they met (of course), what their families are like, how he proposed. How, in Ali and Chris' case, Chris sat down with Ali's dad and how Ali's dad almost ruined a surprise. ;) I love building that connection with my clients and helping to put them at ease on the big day.

Love Ali's expression in the second frame and how the leaves frame their incredible smiles.
Such an honest kiss.... Love these! If only you could see the other field shots.. We couldn't have asked for a nicer day. Check out that beautiful hair light! :)Ali and Chris' first date was the Manitou Incline... intentionally captured in the bottom left and corner.


  1. Anonymous28.10.08

    Shooting with Rene was an absolutely amazing experience. While I had no concerns about the chemistry between Chris and myself, I was a little worried about the sort of chemistry that we would have with Rene. As you can see, that fear was quickly put to rest. She was amazing, the day was blessed, and we had a wonderful time. I can only imagine what the wedding photos will turn out like.

  2. Anonymous28.10.08

    It's ALI!!! Great photos, and great to see Ali and her guy :)

  3. Anonymous29.10.08

    Great photos!!! I really like the one with the shadow.

  4. Anonymous2.11.08

    Ugh! Rene, our job is the coolest in the world! This was such a great shoot. Ali and Chris were sooo sweet together, I just can't wait for the wedding. The aged photo of them dancing beneath the big yellow tree is one of my favorite couple photos to-date.

    Ali and Chris, congratulations on the rest of your lives. Love you guys :)


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