Thursday, October 16, 2008

UCCS Chancellor's Leadership Class

Big news. René Tate is getting into the movie mak-ing! :-) Every year I have the honor of photographing the 40 some scholars of UCCS' prestigious leadership program - the Chancellor's Leadership Class. Last night I unveiled this video at a reception at the Broadmoor Hotel in front of the class as well as many other Colorado Springs community members. I think the video was a hit! It was so great watching everyone's reactions. (Especially those people who teared up!) I encourage you to listen to the lyrics as they definitely describe the "change-the-world" mindset and will of these scholars. I realize it's 40 some pictures of people you don't know but the end is fairly powerful, so take a break for 4 minutes and 41 seconds and enjoy my first YouTube video ever, not to mention the first video ever posted on this blog!


  1. Wow, fantastic! They must have loved it!!

    It was great chatting with you yesterday!

  2. Great job Rene :) You are quite the remarkable woman with many talents!!

  3. Charlotte! Glad you got the chance to see it. Thanks for the kind words. :) I had such a blast with you the other day. We're lifers. ;)

    And Nicole, great to hear from you! Thanks for your support and checking in on the blog every so often. It doesn't go unnoticed. Thanks for the encouragement.

  4. that's so awesome!! I LOVE that song!!

    hey did you get our voicemail, btw? I just wanted to make sure because I didn't want you to think we forgot about you!


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