Monday, November 24, 2008

'Tis the Season!

Okay. It's official. I have some of the cutest nieces and nephews EVER. Of all time. Check out these kids. Yesterday, we shot my sister's Christmas card pictures down at the old railroad tracks in Cañon City where I grew up. I spent many of my childhood days playing on these tracks and underneath this bridge swimming in the creek. Not to mention, our dad was an engineer for the railroad whose trains crossed these tracks hundreds of times! My dad used to stop at this crossing, pick up my brother Kevin and I, and drive us through town. Meanwhile, my mother would hop in the truck to meet us at the other end of town where Dad would drop us off. :) What a cool story, huh? It was really cool to shoot these pictures here, even if the location had no significance to the kids... the rest of the family gets it. Kinda adds a whole new dimension to the phrase "family photos," huh?

My favorite from the whole reel... I affectionately call this one "The Professor."


  1. What wonderful photos! I especially love the one with three shadows that look like paper dolls.

    My dad was a railroad engineer, too! He put himself through college and grad school by driving trains at night. Cool coincidence.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I knew we were going to be lifers, Charlotte!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving!! Hope you have an amazing day!


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