Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Zello Siblings

I promise they're not in a band. I know they look like total rock stars, but they're just some really cool siblings who wanted to surprise their parents for Christmas (insert "aww" here). They also look and act like models. Talk about phun to photograph. :) Their sweet pea coats, their big, beautiful, blue eyes, their awesome poses, and my favorite color palette of course: grey, tan, brown, and black. Let's just say that the Zello kids know how to work. the. camera.

Make sure you click on the images below to enlarge them.
You gotta get the full effect.

One to frame for mom, for sure. Your classic family portrait. Big fan of shooting into the sun. Gotta love that sexy lens flare. These next two are my favorites. The sunset was KILLER. Would you look at the warmth of these images? I tried to convince them to start a band... don't think potential album artwork was enough of a reason. ;) They just know how to own that camera!


  1. Very cool....they TOTALLY worked the camera.

    These look like they were in downtown FoCo...were you here?!?!?!

  2. Nope, those were taken in Cañon City actually. Pretty quaint, huh?

  3. Such good photos girl! I have to stop looking, cause you makin me Jealous! :)

  4. Anonymous5.12.08

    This was such a fun shoot! Incredible lighting, beautiful people, and the perfect alley puddle! Loved it!

  5. Anonymous8.12.08

    they look so amazing!!!! oh my gosh!!! thank you so much!!!


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