Friday, January 23, 2009

Everybody Let's Go Have Some Fun

"One day your life will flash before your eyes; make sure it's worth watching."
— Unknown

So here I am yesterday, flipping through photo after photo, adjusting levels and whatnot in Lightroom and enjoying the new Genius feature on iTunes (by the way, I've decided it's called the "Genius" feature because it's a GENIUS idea from Apple to suck even more money from me) when a song I haven't heard in YEARS comes pumpin' through the Bose speakers. It's the only song I own by this band. Truth be known, it's one of those songs that you are embarrased about owning, but keep around cause you secretly like it. You know, *Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Rock Lobster by the B-52s... those kind of songs. So meanwhile, as I jam to a song from my glory days, I come to this photo of me and a groomsman being ever so silly at this particular wedding I was editing. And that's when inspiration hit...

If only people knew how much fun Jesie and I have at weddings and how happy our clients are around us. 2 hours later.... the result:


  1. Anonymous23.1.09

    Oh my Renee~~~~ We are called to BE like our Creator, so we are MOST like Him when we are....CREATIVE, and YOU, my beloved friend, are indeed creative; in sight, sound, emotion, passion and spirit! Andrew says that you are "like a breath of fresh air"; I think you are more like a whole chinook of fresh air! God bless ya, love you gobs- Larry <><

  2. Oh Rene!! I love this :)

  3. Awesome video René must use this LOTS as a marketing tool for new business!!! You will get TONS! Excellent! Love ya, Sis!

  4. Anonymous25.1.09

    Ok, Rene. I dipped into the blog tonight to check out the latest post you were raving about. Just about 40 seconds into the clip, I started tearing up. We DO have so much fun together with our Rene Tate Photography clients, and they have all invited us into some of the happiest moments of their lives. Here is to many more incredible moments caught on film, and added to this video!

    Love ya!
    :) Jesie

  5. Oh my gosh! I can't believe this little video collection of all your moments! You guys are so remarkable and I had the biggest grin on my face when I saw the pictures from Jake and Bea's wedding! Amazing! You are beyond words... both of you girls... I am so inspired and so blessed to know you!


  6. Anonymous30.1.09

    RENE - OH MY GOSH - what a great video! So freakin' cute! I'm so impressed with the woman you've become!


Hey! I would love to hear your two cents. :)