Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mandy & Ross - She Said Yes!

*sigh* Could this day have been any better? The weather was PERFECT. You gotta love living along the Front Range. It's always an adventure; yesterday it was breezy, finger-numbingly cold, and snowy! I had to cancel an engagement shoot. :( Today, on the other hand, was absolutely beautiful. Lucky for Mandy and Ross, we did not cancel their shoot on account of the weather. In fact, we shot for an extra long time. We had so much fun today! These guys are incredible. A statistician and a poet. Talk about a unique combination. Our time together was so refreshing. Between the weather, Ross and Mandy's easygoing personalities, the vibrant colors of their wardrobes and the shops of Old Colorado City, and the added humor of my fill-in assistant...I couldn't be happier. As always, click the images to enlarge them and get the full effect.

Ahem... those colors I was talking about:
I adore these shots. So romantic, yet innocent.
I. Love. The. Sunshine.
And a good pair of boots. :)Mandy and Ross, your wedding is going to be a blast. You two make a beautiful couple and I can't wait to see you dolled up in your wedding attire in July! Thanks for a wonderful Sunday afternoon.


  1. Looks great! Thanks for a fun afternoon yesterday!

  2. Anonymous9.3.09

    yet ANOTHER great shoot! ;-)

  3. Anonymous9.3.09

    I checked out your pictures and let me say gorgeous! You are a talented lady ;)

  4. wow! I know Ross and Mandy and was checking out the photos. You are a great photographer! Good job.


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