Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ali & Chris - The Real Post

Happy Resurrection Day!

Okay, fair warning: this post is a B.D. (Big deal. ;) I posted Ali and Chris' "Wet Your Whistle" post like three weeks ago and have left you poor RTP fans hangin'. Y'all have been so patient while waiting for the real post. To make up for my slackin', I'm posting a double serving of photos, so sit back and relax — there are a lot of them. The Ceremony was held at the breathtaking Shove Memorial Chapel and the reception at The Warehouse in Colorado Springs.

Love this shot that Jesie grabbed on the left.
It was quite the team effort to get that stunning veil in place. I cannot get over what a beautiful bride Ali was.
Boys will be boys...
Couldn't resist grabbing the detail of this bridesmaid's goosebumps:
This flower girl was so intrigued with every aspect of the wedding.Praying together.
Intrigued again. And also stuck between chairs. haha
There's nothing like love from a sister.
Ali had such fun colors!
Just a little duet of the B-52's Love Shack! Absolutely hilarious. It's moments like these where I think, "Can my job get any better than this?"


  1. Jesie Jerrold12.4.09

    My goodness! I have been waiting for this post. Thank goodness it was a double feature :) Ali and Chris were one of my favorite couples to shoot. Their day was full of so much love... and class!

    Ali and Chris, I hope your honeymoon was incredible. I can't wait to see you at the reveal soon!

  2. Ali Kintz13.4.09

    You're AMAZING!!!! You captured our special day in a way that far exceeded my expectations. Thank you so very much.

  3. Anonymous13.4.09

    Wonderful photos Rene! Looks like a fun wedding and great photos from you girls!



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