Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Good Friday Wedding

Brace yourself! Remember James and Alicia? Their wedding finally came! I've been anticipating this wedding for months and months and months. I knew it was going to be incredible. And it was. Alicia and James have such great taste. The colors were phenomenal. The venue was a photographer's dream. The timing of the sun and the ceremony was PERFECT.

You know on the movie Harold and Maude how they love to attend funerals? I'm the opposite. I can't get enough of weddings. I believe in weddings. I believe in their power and sentiment. James and Alicia made an incredible commitment to each other on April 10th. Their love for each other is so pure. So real. I loved when they prayed together and fed each other the communion elements. I loved how, prior to the ceremony, they communicated with each other one through walkie-talkies. I loved how they performed a well-choreographed swing dance for their guests at the reception. I loved how Alicia smashed the cake in James' face and regarding his tux he said, "It's okay! We signed a damage waiver!" I hate how hard it is to write about such a fabulous wedding day. I hope these images give you at least a slight glimpse of the happiness I experienced.

Alicia started to tear up as soon as she made eye contact with James.
Their pastor, Barry, was so nice! I loved how he even had a matching tie.
You should have seen the way James gazed into Alicia's eyes as she came down the aisle and throughout the whole ceremony. Their love is undeniable.
James and Alicia, I can't wait to see you in the next few weeks for your reveal! I hope Ireland was unforgettable. Love you!

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