Sunday, May 31, 2009

Britni and Ryan - She said yes!

It all began on I-15, Interstate 15, that is. I was trucking along on a road trip from Vegas to Malibu, most likely singing my best rendition of Cher's If I Could Turn Back Time when I got the call — Britni's call. 24 Hour Fitness, personal trainer Britni. She heard about me from another bride, LeAnne, and asked if I'd be interested in shooting her and Ryan's Cheyenne Mountain Resort wedding.

Both Ryan and Britni are personal trainers and have some of the most beautiful bodies I've ever seen. Not a soft spot on 'em! Though, I couldn't ignore the irony of how and with what Ryan proposed: ice cream. Yup, after the holiday season, it was their last hooray on sweet food before they started to "eat right." And as you may have guessed, Ryan hid the engagement ring in Britni's ice cream. Unfortunately, things didn't go according to plan:

haha I'm kidding! I couldn't resist, Ryan. :) Actually, everything went perfectly! But if you are curious about that X-Ray, it's a real story! Click here. Britni and Ryan were a hoot to photograph. Kind of slow to warm up, but as soon as I said, "Britni, make Ryan laugh," and she started dancing (see photo 4) it was easy from there. He was CRACKING UP at his cute fiancée. :) Anywho, without further ado... Britni and Ryan:

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