Friday, May 15, 2009

A Good Ol' Fashioned Portrait Shoot

I'm alive! I promise. I've been a little under the radar lately but despite what you may think, I did NOT fall of the face of the Earth. Just been traveling all over this planet and state lately. :) I have SO much to blog about. My goodness. Engagements shoots like crazy, portraits shoots, weddings... So check back often! But to kick things off, a quick teaser of Mr. Jeremy.

Jeremy and I shot yesterday in Manitou Springs. He was looking for those "senior pictures he never had," a good business head shot, and of course, a nice portrait for mom. Fun is an understatement. It was absolutely a gorgeous day and we had a blast getting to know each other. I know I always say "blast," but this time was exceptionally fun. This kid is so funny! It was our first time meeting but by the end of shoot, I wanted to put him in my pocket and take him home. haha I settled for margaritas at the The Loop with him, my fill-in assistant Shawn, and some of my friends we ran into while shooting in Manitou.

Wait 'til you see the rest... This is just a sampling as I'm off to an engagement shoot. :)

1 comment:

  1. oooh i got a mention :) Cant wait to see the rest!!


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