Monday, March 10, 2008

God Loves High Quality Photos

Just take a listen... It's just shy of two minutes. (And I apologize for some of my typing in the recording!)

I heard this in the middle of a 45-minute long Pod Cast from New Life Church's, theMILL. The sermon is by Glen Packiam. You know, I spend so much time on my computer working and listening to music that I'm starting to get sick of all 2,000 songs on my computer. So I decided to start listening to things that might actually teach me something. There are SO many kinds of Pod Casts out there. I had no idea!

This particular clip happens to touch upon something Jesie and I have been working at implementing into René Tate Graphic Design and Photography. We really want to "give everything to God" but couldn't QUITE put our fingers on what exactly that might entail. While we had a pretty good idea, this solidifies what we had been discussing.


  1. Anonymous11.3.08

    Hey Rene!

    I, too, have recently fallen in love with podcasts. Some of my favorites are The Dave Ramsey Show, The Boundless Show, Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram, Money Matters, Focus on the Family, and Rocky Mountain Calvary Teachings. Check 'em out!

  2. AMEN! Everything we do is done WITH, FOR and to the GLORY of God! So let your photography work and ALL you do be a candle in this world of darkness! You WILL have the opportunity someday when complimented on your work, when the quality of something that you've done is beyond comprehension to another and THEN you can GIVE ALL THE CREDIT TO GOD. "All good and perfect gifts are from above, and you DO have a CREATIVE gift, my dear sister René!


Hey! I would love to hear your two cents. :)