Sunday, March 9, 2008

Photoshop 101 & Wedding Consultation

Man, what a long day yesterday was! Up at 5:30 AM to get ready for day long Intro to Photoshop class I was teaching on behalf of Walsworth Publishing Company. The class was opened up to middle and high school teachers across Colorado Springs. We had a great time and I think everyone really learned a lot! I'm sure they were totally overloaded with information, but towards the end of class we had "play time" where the students implemented all that they learned. Below is some of their work. I was really pleased with how everyone was progressing in just a couple of hours!

We covered all sorts of stuff in 6 hours...
  • making text look like it's on fire
  • creating collages out of multiple photos
  • layer masks - this was a huge learning. we used this is so many ways yesterday
  • marquees
  • cutting out subjects from a background using marquee tools, extract tool, etc.
  • layer style properties
  • text
  • filters
  • layers in general
It was very much a jam packed day. From the way everyone was talking, it sounds like a series of these Photoshop classes are in order. I'll keep ya posted... :)

The first image is Denise's, and the second is Debbie's.

After the Photoshop class, I hopped in my car, picked up Jesie, and we headed to Westminster, north of Denver, to meet with a potential bride, Stephanie, and her mother. We talked for a solid hour and had a great time! Stephanie and Kyle's wedding sounds so gorgeous. She's a woman after my own heart: a fall wedding AND brown and champagne bridesmaid dresses. (Brown is by far my favorite color. :) Kinda weird, I know.)

My church is in dire need of some photos for their website, so that's where I'm headed now. Will post some later.


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