Thursday, March 6, 2008

WPJA Acceptance!

After applying over two months ago to the Wedding Photo Journalist Association, I finally decided YESTERDAY that I wasn't accepted. The requirements are quite stringent and they said if I didn't hear from them, then I didn't get in. Well. I spoke too soon. Cause at 7:13 AM I received this email:
Hi René,

We are happy to inform you that after having reviewed your web site and image portfolio, we agree you meet the WPJA membership requirements. Congratulations! We look forward to having you as a member. Your listing(s) will be published on the WPJA web site.

Our Membership Services department will be contacting you shortly via e-mail with all the details.

Thank you for your patience while waiting for a response to your application. The WPJA has been reviewing a high number of new applicants as well as implementing a portfolio review process for renewing members (something we introduced this year). We are also deep into the latest contest...results should be live on the site later today.

David Roberts
By the way, the WPJA "is a professional organization composed of photojournalists and wedding photographers from around the world. What sets our members apart in the industry is their candid, documentary approach – a distinctly artistic vision toward wedding photography." —

God is great, that's all I have to say. Perhaps I'll blog more later. But it's amazing what happens when you just have faith and seek HIM. This week just keeps getting better and better!!

I'm off to the gym now. Have a wonderful day! Do something nice for yourself. I plan on buying a new outfit for this Photoshop seminar I'm teaching on Saturday.



  1. Rene Tate. This is great! I can not believe that you didn't tell me this! I read it on your facebook status and asked what the WPJA is and then you wrote me back and told me to read your blog! How could you contain yourself? geez

  2. Meghan is right, René. This is kind of a big deal and you should be calling people in excitement. I'm looking at the WPJA site right now and they mean business (and now you are part of it!) I'm super happy for you and a little jealous as well, but I'll get over it :)

  3. Anonymous11.3.08


  4. Congrats on this! I remember you were telling me about it! I am going to have to watch your blog more closely girl...!


Hey! I would love to hear your two cents. :)