Saturday, April 12, 2008

Miss Kami

What a fun shoot today! Kami is graduating this May from UCCS and these photos will be used in her graduation announcements. We had a blast in Manitou Springs today and had quite an entourage: me, Jesie, Kami, Chris (the boyfriend), and Steph (the best friend)! We shot for just a little over two hours. We had a heck of a time with the wind blowing Kami's hair all over the place. We were patient though. :) These are just a few of my favorites. An online gallery will be up soon. Enjoy! As always, click to enlarge. And if you like what you see, tell a friend! Or at least post a comment. :)


  1. Anonymous12.4.08

    AHHHH!You're my hero :)

    Thanks so much, Rene...

  2. Anonymous14.4.08

    Wow!!! Rene, Great Job! That "Kami-girl" is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Gorgeous, just gorgeous! :)

  3. Hey! Thanks Kami's Mom! She is quite stunning, huh? She makes me look good. :)

  4. Anonymous16.4.08

    You are an extraordinary photographer, you bring Kami's joyous personality to life. God has blessed you richly with wonderful talent.

  5. Anonymous17.4.08

    Kami is B-E-A-Utiful! :) And her boy adds a nice romantic touch hehe. Yay, go Rene!!


Hey! I would love to hear your two cents. :)