Sunday, April 13, 2008

Paul or John Travolta?

Hey Everyone! It's been a busy weekend for photography. Yesterday Kami, and today Paul, who Jesie and I finally figured out looks an awful lot like John Travolta. :) Paul is a senior attending St. Mary's.

Like I said, photo season is beginning, so be sure to check out Kami and Chris's pictures as well as Jesie and Brandon's. But first, Paul:

Talk about photogenic, huh? He was so calm and easy to shoot. He just looked at the camera and smiled! He made it look so easy. :) We had a blast, for sure. I always have fun on my shoots. I truly love my job. Thank you, Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous13.4.08

    Yay! You used the penny arcade! :) As always... great stuff :)


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