Thursday, July 17, 2008

Amy & Kelly - Part 1

I know I say this every time I work with a couple or a family or a senior, but I want to be friends with them! Amy and Kelly are such cool people. Cool is an understatement actually. They're both so laid back and Colorado outdoor enthusiasts to the max. Wait till you see a picture of their wedding cake... that's all I have to say.

What a unique wedding it was. Everything from the Native American blanket ceremony to Johnny Cash's "I Walk the Line" processional. Not to mention the trivia games at the reception tables, Amy's love for reggae music (which was played through the day) and the intimate phone call to Amy's grandmother who couldn't make it to the wedding.

Amy and Kelly's family and friends were so awesome. Jesie, Ethan, and I felt like we were a part of the family. I love those kind of weddings. :)

As always, click the images to enlarge and please post your thoughts. Interaction on this blog is greatly appreciated whether its questions, comments, or even snide remarks. ;) Simply click the blue "comments" links at the very end of the post.


  1. Anonymous17.7.08

    Your blog is very creative, when people read this it widens our imaginations.

  2. Anonymous18.7.08

    Awesome! I love the photo of who I assume to be the flower girl :)

  3. Anonymous18.7.08

    Where was this wedding/reception?

  4. The flower girl, Morgan, was such a doll! I have so many incredible shots of her sweet face. :)

    The wedding and reception were held at the Pine Crest Events Center in Palmer Lake, CO.

  5. Anonymous24.7.08

    I'm sure she loves the groping picture posted for the world to see :) You're fantastic, I don't tell you that enough!


Hey! I would love to hear your two cents. :)