Monday, July 7, 2008

Boudoir Session, Anyone?

Have you ever met someone and knew instantly that you were going to be good friends? That was the case with Melissa and I. Melissa found me through She wanted to take some classy boudoir photos for her fiancé and give them to him in a scrapbook on their wedding night. Jesie and I had such a blast getting to know Melissa. She was so easy going and fun, as you can see by all her laughing in the photos below. When Melissa first wrote me she said, "I already feel somewhat comfortable with you since we both love Americanos and Jesus. :)" I knew we'd be good friends from there on out. Here are just a few of my favorites...


  1. Anonymous7.7.08

    Are you coming by to get the CDs!?

  2. Anonymous7.7.08

    That is very cool :) In case I forget, remind me that I want to do this!

  3. Sometime in the future I would absolutely love to do a boudoir session with you :) But alas I haven't seen you in so long and have no money (continuing theme for the present). One day Rene day....


Hey! I would love to hear your two cents. :)