Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sarah and Simon

What a sweet note I received from Simon and Sarah after they saw their photos from an impromptu photo shoot at the Trevi Fountain in Rome. I hope my future travels take me their way.

Hi Rene, What can I say.. I am absolutely bowled over...these are amazing, they brought a tear to my eye!

We have just returned from the UK Music Festival, Glastonbury, a 3 day camping festival which was brilliant and these pics have just made my year!

I am going to get them framed straight away and will never forget how kind you were in taking these for us.

You are very talented and have made us very very happy people.

If you ever need a bed in the UK let us know!

Take care and happy travels!

Sarah and Simon (smiling)


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3.7.08

    Rene, I love Sarah and Simon. They were the coolest people on the trip! These pictures are sooo beautiful, and the impromptu nature of the "shoot" proves just how talented you are! Who knows, maybe someday you'll shoot their wedding!


Hey! I would love to hear your two cents. :)